Welcome to the website of Astley Parish Council. The Parish Council generally meets on the third Wednesday of every other month (January, March, May, July, September and November) in the village hall. Meeting dates can be viewed here. A period of 15 minutes is set aside for the public to speak on parish matters at the start of each meeting. The agenda for the next meeting, and the minutes of the previous meeting, can be viewed under the main menu headings "Agendas" and "Minutes" and might also be displayed on noticeboards sited throughout the local area.
Contact details for your Councillors and the Clerk can be found here.
A parish council is the lowest tier of local government, but the one closest to the people. It receives most of its funding by levying a precept upon the Council Tax bill issued by Shropshire Council. As parish councils were created in law, they can only exercise the powers and functions which have been conferred on them by Acts of Parliament. Astley Parish Council represents and serves the whole parish (made up of five communities – Astley, Bings Heath, Ebrey Wood, Upper Astley and Upper Battlefield) and therefore must balance the needs of different elements of all the parish, utilising funds that can only be used for a limited number of purposes. The Parish Council monitors all planning applications in the area and, where necessary, will support or object to a planning application on behalf of the parish based on the strength of local opinion.
Astley Parish Council is not part of Shropshire Council but can act as a conduit between the community it serves and the unitary authority. Broadly speaking, parish councils exercise a general consultative role on behalf of local people. For example, as mentioned above, it has statutory consultation rights on planning matters. What Shropshire Council is responsible for is shown below. For anything else, the Parish Council may be able to help, so do get in touch.